RICCI - Design in Motion-sunglass-hut-shop-times-square

RICCI – Design in Motion® lands at Times Square, New York!

Gabriele Ricci, aka RICCI – Design in Motion®, has created an anamorphic video for the fantastic shop by Sunglass Hut in Times Square, New York!

Let’s have a look!

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immagine e render di 3D motion design

3D design, 10 tips for the “aspiring motion designers.”

3D rendering and content creation are currently a growing trend.

They can help communicate complex technical aspects, engage users or amplify a brand.

In this article, I want to share with you some tips and relevant aspects that can help you develop further your 3D skills and take them to the next level!

Let’s have a look!

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gabriele ricci riceve il premio mediastar

Motion Designer and Art Director Gabriele Ricci wins two awards at Mediastar 26

Gabriele Ricci wins two significant awards at Mediastar 26 for conceptualization and production of the video trailer “In Dante Veritas”.

The video introduces the project of the visionary artist Vasily Klyukin and celebrates the 700th anniversary of Dante Alighieri’s death.

Read the post!

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contrast is a key aspect of visual design

Visual design, 10 tips for the aspiring motion designers

When we talk about motion design, we focus on animation too much, and we don’t care too much about video visual design.

Animation is a crucial aspect of a motion design project, but it is not the only one that needs consideration.

We should focus more on the graphic design of the elements that populate the animation.

In this article, I want to share with you some tips and key aspects to developing for improving your visual design skills and taking them to the next level!

Let’s have a look!

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the italian motion design studio of ricci gabriele

Open the personal motion design studio of Ricci – Design in Motion®.

I decided to create my motion design studio in Gallarate (Varese – italy), a strategic area near Milano and Switzerland. A place where I can work as a freelance motion designer with talents and professionals who operate in visual communication, art, and design.

A place where sharing ideas, opinions, techniques and find everything you need for working together and do outstanding projects!

The studio is located in a very strategic area, near the city’s center, the train station, and the highway.

Read the introductory message!

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secret tips about creativity

10 tips about creativity and storytelling for the aspiring motion designers

Che tu lavori nel miglior studio di motion graphic in italia oppure tu sia un aspirante motion designer, una delle parti più difficili del nostro lavoro è sempre la stessa: l’ideazione della creatività di un progetto.

L’ostacolo della “tela bianca” è una delle fasi più delicate ma, a mio avviso, è una delle più importanti e divertenti!

If your first move is to find “the perfect reference” on the web, I suggest you keep reading the article!

Trovare delle buone references è sicuramente utile per capire e valutare alcuni aspetti del progetto, ma non ti permetterà di creare una creatività solida.

In this article, I want to share with you some key aspects and useful tips that can help you improve your creative direction and storytelling and take them “to the next level.”

Let’s have a look!

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the value graph editor of an animation in after effects

10 Animation quick tips for the aspiring motion designers

You love animation, and using After Effects is your bread and butter. You are an aspiring freelance motion designer, and yes, you are good at animating, but maybe you feel your animations miss something.

In the following article, I will share tips and critical aspects that can help you enhance your animations and take them “to the next level.”

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un fotogramma di in dante veritas

In Dante Veritas: The Art of Design Between Tradition and Vision

In December 2021, visionary Russian artist Vasily Klyukin contacted me to make a video trailer to launch his ebook called “In Dante Veritas, a sins art guide.” The e-book was inspired by the exhibition of the artist, hosted at the famous Biennale di Venezia

Creating the animated story-trailer for Vasily Klyukin’s e-book “In Dante Veritas” has been such a great experience! That is why I decided to write a post to testify to it.

Let’s have a look!

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strutturare concept per motion design

How to develop a concept for Motion Design

Developing a concept for a motion design piece could be intimidating.
In this video, I will show you how I approach this task!

If you have any suggestions or questions, go to my Youtube channel and write them in the comments!