la creazione di prodotti 3D fotorealistici per oakley

Crafting Realism in 3D: My Journey with Oakley’s Ski Helmets and Goggles

3D product visualization is a challenging yet rewarding process.

Achieving realism requires meticulous attention to detail, especially when it comes to materials, textures, and lighting. These elements are essential for making a product look lifelike in a digital space.

In 2024, I had the privilege of working with Oakley to create 3D product visualization and animations for their premium sky helmets and goggles.

A standout feature of these products is their world-renowned multi-colored lenses. These lenses are designed with a base gradient that dynamically shifts in color depending on how light interacts with the surface. Replicating this feature in 3D is particularly challenging, but through a detailed process, I was able to capture its essence

Below, I’ll share the steps I took to bring these products to life digitally with Maxon Cinema 4D.

Let’s have a look!

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perchè non ti dovresti specializzare nel motion design

Why You Shouldn’t Specialize in Motion Design

In today’s creative industries, including motion design, specialization is often promoted as a sure path to success. 

It’s seen as a way to create a niche, gain expertise, and become the go-to person in a specific domain. However, what if the very act of specializing is holding you back? What if, instead of focusing on mastering one corner of the creative world, you could gain more by broadening your perspective?

Let’s take a look!

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sound design di qualità

The Importance of Quality Sound Design in Media

Sound design is a crucial aspect in elevating your video production to a new level of entertainment.

To celebrate the partnership between Ricci Design in Motion® and Amplitudo Sound Agency, we will highlight the main benefits of using quality sound design in media production.

Let’s have a look!

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un'animazione 3D di qualità richiede diversi aspetti da analizzare

3D Quality Animations: How to achieve the best results for your brand

Creating 3D quality animations is no easy feat but with the proper techniques, you can produce a stunning final product.

One of the most crucial aspects of any 3D video production is the quality of the animations.

High-quality 3D animations can make all the difference in the overall look and feel of a video production.

BUT…What differentiates a 3D animation from being good, bad, or great?

In the following article, I will highlight 4 crucial aspects of achieving effective animations for your product and brand.

They are general guidelines I consider when creating 3D animations.

Let’s have a look!

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storytelling come strumento di coinvolgimento ne,la produzione di video 3D per brand

The Power of Storytelling in the World of 3D Video

If there’s one thing the digital world has taught us, video has become the undisputed king of online content. Today, we want to explore an additional dimension of this powerful form of expression: 3D video enriched by the strength of storytelling.

Let’s take a look!

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gabriele ricci lavora come freelance creative motion designer e director

Gabriele Ricci, also known as Ricci – Design in Motion®, is a freelance creative motion director and 3D designer who works as a professional partner for companies.

Since the beginning of his career as a freelance motion graphics designer until today, 16 years have passed during which Gabriele Ricci has evolved in his profession as a freelance creative motion director.

From a solo freelance motion designer to the creative director of his studio, Ricci – Design in Motion®, let’s get to know Gabriele Ricci in an interview released to Michele Magnoni, the owner of the web agency Mabu Digital.

Let’s have a look!

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creare uno script video 3d richiede tempo per ragionare su come comunicare al meglio il messaggio

Creative ways to make your video marketing campaign memorable: write a compelling script!

Creating a 3D video for marketing is an exciting process that can bring your ideas to life. However, it’s not just about the visuals; A good script can make all the difference in the success of your 3D video production.

Let’s take a look!

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video for a marketing campaign

Creative ways to make your video marketing campaign memorable: focus on what truly matters to communicate!

When creating stunning 3D for your video marketing campaign, striving for perfection and including many details and information is natural.

However, success lies in prioritizing what truly matters and letting go of the rest.

Let’s have a look!

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cgi rendering di orologio ricci gabriele

CGI vs Product Photography

CGI or Product Photography? In today’s digital age, businesses are constantly seeking ways to enhance their online presence and stand out from the competition.

One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through the use of CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) production. While product photography has been the go-to method for showcasing products, CGI offers a range of benefits that cannot be achieved through traditional photography.

Let’s take a look!

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caso studio per il lavoro come creative motion director

Freelance Motion Design Director – Case Study

In this video case study, I will go through the creative journey of the latest video I made for Emporio Armani, sharing my typical workflow when creating engaging motion design solutions for companies and design agencies!