Vasily Klyukin

In Dante Veritas, the 3D story trailer for the digital multimedia book

Client: Vasily Klyukin

Project: Ricci – Design in motion®

Creative Direction: Vasily Klyukin and Gabriele Ricci

Art Direction: Gabriele Ricci

Direction, Design, Production: Gabriele Ricci

3D Modeling: Pietro Mariani

Sound Design: Amplitudo Sound Agency

In Dante Veritas: Discover the Intriguing Story-Trailer of the digital multimedia book

To celebrate the seven-hundredth anniversary of Dante Alighieri’s death, the visionary Russian artist Vasily Klyukin has created “In Dante Veritas,” an interactive multimedia book and a contemporary artistic guide to sins inspired by the Divine Comedy.

Ricci – Design in Motion®, in partnership with Vasily Klyukin, has overseen the entire project and presents the animated story trailer of the ebook:

“A modern Dante Alighieri is lost in the dark forest and embarks on his journey towards the art inferno: a damned place where he will seek to find the right path amidst artworks and famous characters…”

Do you want to discover your sin?

Explore the digital book!